University News
4th Annual Horn Field Campus Sustainable Landscapes and Gardens Tour Benefit July 23
July 7, 2011

MACOMB, IL -- Local gardeners and landscapers will once again provide an opportunity for an enjoyable morning of sustainable landscape and garden browsing during the Sustainable Landscapes and Gardens Tour to benefit Western Illinois University's Horn Field Campus. Slated to run 9 a.m.-noon at locations in Macomb, Saturday, July 23, this year's tour not only includes the opportunity to see beautiful local gardens, but also includes sites that showcase the local organic gardening movement and the best of sustainable landscaping techniques, said Mindy Pheiffer, program coordinator at Horn Field Campus. Those who buy tickets also will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 gift certificate, which has been donated by Rick Fox of Timberhill Nurseries in Macomb.
Local enthusiasm and support for this event, Pheiffer noted, gives this tour a new flair every year.
"The tour will provide a sustainable educational experience for the community, as well as raise funds to continue environmental education and leadership programs for youth at Horn Field Campus," she explained.
Pheiffer said she is pleased the gardens of Gordon and Pam Rands; Karen Peitzmeier and Sean Genovese; Alan and Sue DeRoos; and Barefoot Gardens will once again be on the tour.
"Carolyn Bailey initiated this year's event by offering to host her yard and gardens to share, which includes a children's garden for all ages. Another new site this year is the Community Gardens project at the Prairie View Neighborhood. And an added bonus this year is the garden of Mari Loehrlein, who is a School of Agriculture faculty member and who teaches WIU students about sustainable landscaping. She will be providing guided tours of her garden at 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.," Pheiffer said.
Participants may visit any of the sites listed below between 9 a.m.-noon. Site information is included on the ticket, and descriptions will be available at the tour.
The 2011 Sustainable Landscapes and Gardens Tour stops include:
- Gordon and Pam Rands, 4 Woodland Lane
- Eisenhower Tower, 322 West Piper St.
- Prairie View/Community Gardens, 1639 E. Wheeler St.
- Barefoot Gardens, 3201 W. Adams St.
- Karen Peitzmeier/Sean Genovese, 728 N. Randolph St.
- Bill and Carolyn Bailey, 33 Elmo Dr.
- Mari Loehrlein and Ron Green, 621 S. Campbell St.
- Alan and Sue DeRoos, 812 N. Madison St.
Tickets for the tour are $10 (per ticket) and are available for purchase at the following locations in Macomb:
- Citizen's Bank, 127 South Side Square
- Western Illinois Museum, 201 S. Lafayette St.
- New Copperfield's Book Service, 120 N. Side Square
- Vintage Accents, 129 S. Randolph
- WIU Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration (RPTA) Office, Currens Hall 400
- Horn Field Campus, 985 China Rd.
- Hy-Vee Customer Service, 1600 E. Jackson St.
- County Market Customer Service, 101 S. Dudley
- Each host site the day of the tour
For more information, contact Horn Field Campus at (309) 833-5798 or Learn more about Horn Field Campus at
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