University News
Zoerink Presents Disabled Youth Research at Intl. Leisure Conference
January 30, 2012

MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois University Professor Dean Zoerink was one of many leisure studies scholars from across the globe who convened in Dunedin, New Zealand, last month to present research related to the challenges and opportunities facing the leisure field. The Australia and New Zealand Association of Leisure Studies 10th Biennial Conference, "Challenging Leisure," was held in early December at the University of Otago. During the conference, Zoerink, a professor of recreation, park and tourism administration, summarized his research with the paper presentation, "Assisting the Transition of Youth with Disabilities into Y Programs: Promoting Inclusion or Fostering Dependency?"
He noted his research examines barriers and opportunities that youth with disabilities face when participating in the physical activity programs at many YMCA organizations in the U.S. He said his paper was accepted for the Australia and New Zealand Association of Leisure Studies last May.
"Sharing this research enables other academics and practitioners from international settings to recognize and understand the similar, but diverse, issues confronting youth with disabilities, as they try to become engaged in community life and activities," Zoerink said.
He also said he presents at least once or twice a year at regional or national conferences, but that attending and presenting at an international conference in his field enables him to see the differences in practices and in research in different geographic locations in person.
"The diversity of presentation topics at this conference seems to reflect that the provision and consumption of leisure experiences is becoming much more diverse. This is profoundly evident in an international setting," Zoerink explained. "Topics at this conference ranged from serious leisure; volunteerism, including volunteer tourism; adventure education; indigenous perspectives (i.e., aboriginal involvements in outdoor experiences); and wellness and leisure experiences across cultures."
Zoerink added that one particularly enjoyable aspect of his experience presenting at the Australia and New Zealand Association of Leisure Studies 10th Biennial Conference was the "exceptional collegiality that was present throughout the conference."
"Interacting with colleagues from Austral-Asia region, as well as from North America, who were gathered together to share their professional perspectives on leisure and recreation behaviors, was truly inspiring," he said.
For more information, contact Zoerink at (309) 298-2698 or Learn more about the recreation, park and tourism administration department at
Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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