University News
Miretzky: Outstanding Leadership in Diversity
May 11, 2012

MACOMB, IL -- Deborah Miretzky, an assistant professor in educational and interdisciplinary studies at Western Illinois University, received the Western Illinois 2012 Cathy O'Neill Couza Award for Outstanding Leadership in Diversity for her contributions to the University and the community at the 23rd annual President's Excellence in Diversity Awards Reception held May 10.
"Through her scholarship, teaching and public service, Deb has shown herself to be a passionate advocate of social justice, fairness and inclusiveness," said Cathy Couza, former director of Equal Opportunity and Access at WIU. "Since coming to Western in 2008, she has actively engaged in activities to further awareness and understanding of cultural diversity."
Miretzky recently developed and facilitated "Difficult Conversations," a series of discussions which brought the campus community together to talk about issues of diversity.
"During these discussions, participants were encouraged to have open and honest dialogue about their experiences," Couza added. "They were challenged to come up with solutions to help break through barriers based on misinformation and fear. We applaud Deb for creating such a groundbreaking program."
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