University News
Adkins: COEHS Associate Dean
July 5, 2012

MACOMB, IL – Dale Adkins, chair of the Western Illinois University Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration, has been named associate dean for academic affairs, research and innovation in the College of Education and Human Services (COEHS), according to COEHS Dean Sterling Saddler, effective July 1.
"Dr. Adkins's well-earned professional reputation and creative approach to building interdisciplinary partnerships will serve the college well and enhance our outstanding academic programs as well as benefit our service centers," Saddler said.
Adkins came to Western in 1992, after serving as assistant professor in the department of physical education and recreation at Western Kentucky University. Prior to that, he was a visiting lecturer and associate instructor at Indiana University. He also served as a manager for Sherwood Youth Camp (Dahinda, IL) in 1998, 1999 and 2000; was the co-recreation director for the Illinois Youth on Campus Summer Program at WIU (1994-96); and was a program specialist for special populations for Indiana University's Bradford Woods, an outdoor education, recreation and camping center.
During his time at WIU, Adkins served as an associate professor and internship coordinator in the recreation, park and tourism administration department. He has published papers and research in conference proceedings for the Canadian Conference of Leisure Research; the Symposium on Leisure Research; the National Recreation and Park Association; and the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference. He has published articles in the Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, in "Pennsylvania Recreation and Parks" and in "Church Recreation Magazine."
In addition, Adkins has received grant funding from such organizations as the Illinois Police Association (for Sherwood Youth Camp, Inc.), as well as the Department of Natural Resources for the State of Illinois and the Illinois Association of Park Districts Research Grant Program. Adkins serves (and has served) on a various WIU committees and planning and policy groups, including the Master Plan Update Steering Committee 2012, the University Chairs'/Directors' Council (chair, 2010-present), Employee Wellness, the University Theme Committee, as well as others.
Adkins is a member of the National Recreation and Park Association; the Society of Park and Recreation Educators, for which he served as president (2007-08); the American Association of Leisure and Recreation, for which he also served as president (2000-01); and the American Camp Association, for which he currently serves on the Student Camp Leadership Academy Steering Committee.
He received his doctorate in recreation from Indiana University (Bloomington), his master's degree in recreation and park administration from the Eastern Kentucky University and his bachelor's degree in sociology and recreation from Morehead State University. Adkins also holds a master's degree in Christian education from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville (KY).
The associate dean for academic affairs, research, and innovation provides leadership to academic programs and to faculty/student research initiatives; coordinates program approval/review/accreditation of all non-teacher education programs; enhances opportunities for academic departments and service centers to conduct and disseminate research; and supports and cultivates the attraction of grants and contracts through individual academic and service units, as well as through a variety of intra/inter university, governmental and private sector partnerships.
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