Multicultural Center

Men's Outreach

Our Men's Outreach Program is designed to get more men involved in the life of the Women's Center, to encourage men to take responsibility for stopping violence against women, and to educate men about gender equity and human issues in general.

As a man, you may think that violence against women doesn't concern you, but it does. It concerns everyone. While most men are not perpetrators, most perpetrators are men. You can ignore the violence, but why not choose to take a stand? You and your friends can take that stand by talking with other men and speaking out about stopping violence against women.

Men's Outreach is not just about sexual assault and violence against women; it is about involving and educating more men about "women's issues" (which are really human issues.) By supporting anti-violence organizations, women's sporting events, and gender-equity programs and activities, you are promoting gender equality and helping to eliminate sexism and intolerance in our society.

We encourage all men who feel strongly about issues of inequality for women and/or violence against women to get involved with the Women's Center. Not sure how to do that? Here are some suggestions: Volunteer to be involved in the planning and implementation of events like Take Back the Night and the Vagina Monologues, join the Feminist Action Alliance student organization, work with staff to create discussion groups, or just come hang out in the Center. Everyone is welcome here!

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