Administrative Procedures Handbook
Student Employment
Phone: 309/298-1971
Fax: 309/298-2353
Web: Student Employment Financial Aid Page
Hiring Student Employees
The Financial Aid Office is the referral agency for part-time, on-campus student employment except for University Housing and Dining Services positions of Resident Assistant, Assistant Complex Director, Resident Manager, University Housing Food Service, Desk Assistant, and MicroFridge crew.
To list a job, the department may complete an Employer Job Vacancy form on the web. Job listings will be posted in the job listing case outside of Sherman Hall 127 and listed on the Western Illinois University World Wide Web. Students interested in a particular opening will contact the advertising department for an interview.
If required, the department must complete an electronic I-9 form before the student begins work. The department will then process an online authorization prior to the student working.
Requests to compensate student employees at a wage that exceeds the dollar amount listed in Level IV (Student Employment Handbook) require approval by the administrative officer (Dean or Vice President) for the area requesting the increase. Item f.5 of the Illinois Administrative Code states that "no maximum rate for student employment shall exceed the maximum rate established for comparable civil service classes on the same campus." Any questions pertaining to the established rates for civil service personnel should be directed to the Human Resources Department.
Student Time Cards
The University has an online time card reporting system for student employees. Student employees with current work authorizations may access the electronic time card by selecting Student Time Reporting under Menu Selections on STARS. To assist students in reporting the time, an instruction link is located on the electronic time card or may be accessed at the following link: Student Timecard Instructions.
Hours should be recorded on the time card daily. The time card must be confirmed by the student and supervisor by 4:30 p.m. on the first working day following the end of the semi-monthly pay period.
Student Paychecks
Student Employees are paid on the 1st and 16th of each month unless the date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday for the work performed the previous pay period. Students may check the pay date on STARS under Employee Inquiry and Paycheck Information.
Students may use the Direct Deposit Authorization form in STARS to have paychecks deposited directly to a personal bank account. If students do not complete the form, they must pick up their paper paycheck in the Payroll Office at 221 Sherman Hall.
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