The 2015 Horn Festival exploited the many and varied talents our Guest Artist-
Dr. Jeffrey Snedeker, Past President of the International Horn Society, a past winner of the Natural Horn Division of the International Horn Competition of America, Composer and Jazz hornist with several recordings of Jazz Horn and Natural Horn to his credit.
Dr. Snedeker's presentations included performances and classes on both
natural horn and
valved horn.
Natural horn performances included the entire
Concerto No. 3 in E-flat K. 447 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and one of the original compositions from his compact disc: The Contemporary Natural Horn.
Valved horn performances included contemporary classical compositions by Randall Faust and Paul Johnston, (winner of the 2014 International Horn Society Composition Contest), as well as six jazz compositions performed with members of the Jazz faculty of Western Illinois University-John Vana-saxophone, George Turner, guitar, Matt Hughes, bass, Kevin Nichols, drums, and pianist (and hornist) Michael Aitchison.
Another special feature of the 2015 Festival was the offering of scholarship awards in memory of the late
Roger Collins -- The founding Hornist of the Camerata Woodwind Quintet and Horn Professor at Western Illinois University from 1966-1997. Following his retirement in 1997, Professor Collins was a regular supporter and participant at events at the School of Music at Western Illinois University-including the WESTERN ILLINOIS HORN FESTIVAL
A detailed biography of Professor Collins appeared in the October 2014 issue of
THE HORN CALL High School hornists who applied were required to submit compact disc recordings of solos from a required list, and the famous horn solo from the Andante Cantabile movement of the Fifth Symphony by Tchaikovsky. Finalists all performed on a Solo Clinic and Master Class for Jeffrey Snedeker, and as a member of THE FESTIVAL HORN CHOIR at The Western Illinois Horn Festival 2015. Awards of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) were presented to the following high school hornists -- winners of the
2015 Roger Collins Memorial Awards: David Eddy-Rockridge, Illinois, Andrew Selig, Sycamore, Illinois, Zachary Zahnle Macomb, Illinois, and Holly Noneman of Keokuk, Iowa.
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