University News
WIU ROTC Color Guard to Present U.S. Colors in Sept. 7 NFL Game; Proceeds from Ticket Fundraiser to Help Army ROTC
September 2, 2014

MACOMB, IL – The Western Illinois University Army ROTC's Color Guard will present the United States of America's colors at noon Sunday, Sept. 7 at the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis (MO), when the NFL's St. Louis Rams take on the Minnesota Vikings. Color Guard members include: Cadet Jake Zielinski (senior, computer science, Elmhurst, IL), Cadet Bennett Johnson (senior, emergency management, Geneseo, IL), Cadet Danielle O'Neill (senior, law enforcement and justice administration [LEJA], Peoria, IL), Cadet Amber Schlomer (junior, LEJA, Galesburg, IL) and Cadet Bennett Baker (junior, general studies, Northbrook, IL).
According to WIU Army ROTC Public Relations Officer Cadet Zack Steelman (senior, LEJA, Macomb, IL), fellow Leathernecks and the community have the opportunity to attend the game and support WIU's Army ROTC Color Guard in person, while the cadets take part in the ceremony, by purchasing a ticket package ($54 each) for one terrace level ticket. A portion of the ticket-package sales will benefit Western's ROTC program.
Cadet Color Guard Captain Danielle O'Neill is in charge of this year's team going to St. Louis, as well as other future WIU events.
"The funds raised will go to help fund the Military Ball at the end of the year," O'Neill said. "Our Previous Cadre had contact with one of the coordinators of the Rams, and we thought this opportunity would be a good experience."
O'Neill added the cadets were offered the chance to stay and watch the game after they finish their Color Guard duties this Sunday.
To purchase a ticket package, contact Cadet Kyle Ward at or Cadet O'Neill at
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