University News
Save the Dates: WIU Homecoming 2018 Sept. 21-29
March 30, 2018

MACOMB, IL – Calling all Leathernecks! Alumni, students, faculty, staff and community members should mark their calendars for Western Illinois University Homecoming 2018 Sept. 21-29.
Macomb native Grant Reed, a junior agriculture and political science double major at Western, will serve as director of the University Union Board Homecoming Committee. This year's event is themed "Game On: Leathernecks Win it All – Purple and Gold Edition."
"We like our themes to be broad enough that each organization and group can put their own unique spin on it," said Reed. "Our theme this year incorporates everything from classic board games to video games and beyond."
Homecoming activities begin Thursday, Sept. 20 with "Celebrating Town and Gown," which highlights the relationship between the WIU and Macomb communities. The celebration continues on Friday, Sept. 21 with "Paint the Paws," which prepares Western Avenue and University Drive for Homecoming 2018 with volunteers painting large gold paws on each street on a path leading to Hanson Field. Both events are sponsored by the WIU Alumni Association.
Leading up to the Homecoming parade and football game, students will participate in a week of fun filled competitive events, including: Paint the Town (Sept. 22), Rocky's Boat Regatta (Sept. 23), Variety Show (Sept. 25) and Yell Like Hell (Sept. 27).
Homecoming day (Sept. 29) starts out with the "Old Stompin' Ground Runaround" 5K run/1.5 mile walk. There will be a new addition to this year's race that will be announced soon. The run will be followed by a Reunion Brunch celebrating the class years of 1968, 1978 and 1993. The Homecoming Parade will start at 10:30 a.m., followed by alumni and student events at Hanson Field/Q-Lot and the Leatherneck football game vs. Youngstown State.
The 2018 WIU Homecoming Week competition is sponsored by the University Union Board.
For more information, and to register for events, including the parade, visit and
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