University News

Housing Renewal Announced For 2025-26

January 21, 2025

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MACOMB, IL – Housing renewal for current Western Illinois University students wishing to live on campus for the 2025-26 academic year begins Friday, Jan. 24.

Students were emailed their renewal times and instructions last week. Based on where students wish to live and the number of semester hours accrued, students will be assigned renewal times on the following schedule:

Same hall/same room (for qualified students on non-FYE/TYE floors):

  • Friday, Jan. 24 - Monday, Jan. 27

  • Group moves: One day only - Wednesday, Jan. 29

  • Graduate student/seniors: Begins Thursday, Jan. 30

  • Juniors: Begins Friday, Jan. 31

  • Sophomores: Begins Monday, Feb. 3

  • Freshmen: Begins Tuesday, Feb. 4

  • Open Renewal: Wednesday, Feb. 5 - Friday, Feb. 28

University Housing and Dining Services (UHDS) will allow students to request a group move. Groups of six or more students (in even increments of the same gender) can request housing on the same residence hall floor and can do so only on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

In addition to group moves, UHDS is offering a variety of other options and benefits for students renewing to campus, which include:

  • Free parking pass for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 academic year for junior, senior or graduate students (defined by 60+ credit hours by September 6) who sign up for on-campus housing by February 28.

  • The 21+ community in Corbin Hall.

  • Semester contracts for students who are student teaching, doing an internship, studying abroad or graduating.

  • Open Housing, which allows sophomores and above, regardless of sex, gender or gender identity, to share a room.

  • Living Learning Communities for students to connect and live on the same floor with others who share the same interests or majors.

  • Possible Financial Benefits - Did you first enroll at WIU in Fall 2023 or later and are receiving institutional aid such as a Western Commitment Scholarship or an Alumni Legacy Scholarship? With WIU institutional aid being linked to direct costs (which on-campus housing and dining are considered to be), living on campus allows you to maximize institutional aid toward an on-campus assignment. This type of institutional aid has no cash value and is not refundable to be used towards off-campus expenses, such as rent and groceries.

  • Students who are not required to live on campus and wish to cancel their housing contract must do so by Sunday, March 1, to avoid a contract breakage fee equal to the double room rate.

    For more information about housing renewal, visit or contact UHDS at (309) 298-3000 or

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    Office of University Communications & Marketing