University News
Retirement Reception for COEHS Dean Smith-Skripps April 16 in WIU Union
April 1, 2009

MACOMB, IL -- As Bonnie Smith-Skripps, dean of the College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) at Western Illinois University, prepares for retirement at the end of this Spring 2009 semester, her career at WIU will have truly come full circle -- considering that she began at Western as an undergraduate student more than 35 years ago.
Smith-Skripps earned her B.A. (1973) in English Teacher Certification, her M.A. (1974) in English and her Ed.S. (1989) in Educational Administration from Western. Her Ph.D. (1993) in Educational Administration is from Southern Illinois University.
After starting out as an instructor in the English department, she was recruited to a new position in the College, working to obtaining federal and state grant funding. Smith-Skripps was named COEHS dean in June 2004. Prior to that she served as interim COEHS dean from 2001-2004.
As the College of Education and Human Services dean, Smith-Skripps has been responsible for the overall leadership and management of the college, including faculty recruitment, development and evaluation, as well as program development and review. She also has taken an active role in fundraising and developing several external partnerships. She serves as chair of the University Teacher Education Committee and oversees the accreditation process of Western's teacher education program.
WIU faculty, staff and students are invited to attend a retirement reception for Dean Smith-Skripps from 4-6 p.m., Thursday, April 16 in the University Union Lamoine Room during the College's COEHS Week (April 13–17). The reception for Dean Smith-Skripps is open free to the public.
"Dr. Smith-Skripps' years of service and dedication to the University and the College of Education and Human Services are to be commended," said Provost and Academic Vice President Jack Thomas, when Dean Smith-Skripps announced her retirement last July. "We wish her well, and I'd like to thank her for the work she has done."
For more about Dean Smith-Skripps' career at Western, see "A Full Circle Farewell," in the Spring 2009 edition of Western News (online at
For more information, contact Dana Moon, assistant to the COEHS dean, at (309) 298-1690 or For a schedule of COEHS Week events and activities, visit or
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