University News
Explore Mobile Learning at the 2nd Annual Mobile Computing Awareness Day Sept. 15
September 9, 2010

Western Illinois University's Mobile Computing Task Force is sponsoring its Second Annual Mobile Computing Awareness Day event Sept. 15 in the Leslie F. Malpass Library. Faculty will be demonstrating their uses of mobile technologies in the classroom, and those who attend can register to win a 16GB 3G iPad.
MACOMB, IL -- Mobile learning is growing in higher education. That's according to a recent article in Campus Technology, a magazine that covers technology uses at and for colleges and universities. David Nigel, in his Aug. 31 article "Report: E-Readers, LMS Driving Growth in Higher Ed Mobile Learning," notes that while mobile learning is "still a small segment of the overall ed tech market in the United States," new data from a market research firm indicates the "growth is projected in the double digits in terms of dollar expenditures through 2014, driven by e-readers and mobile versions of learning management systems."
To address this trend and help prepare faculty and students for mobile computing and learning opportunities, in 2008, faculty and staff at Western Illinois University started the Mobile Computing Task Force (MCTF). This year, the group will sponsor its Second Annual Mobile Computing Awareness Day or MCAD. The event is scheduled from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 15 in the Digital Commons area (first floor) of the Leslie F. Malpass Library on WIU's Macomb campus.
Students and faculty are encouraged to attend the free event, at which a 16GB iPad will be given to a lucky winner (must be present to win). The schedule for the Second Annual MCAD event is as follows:
11-11:15 a.m. — Welcome, Malpass Library, Room 180
From MCTF Co-Chair and College of Fine Arts and Communication Dean Paul Kreider and MCTF Co-Chair and Dean of University Libraries Phyllis Self
Presentations — Malpass Library, Room 180
11:15-11:45 a.m. — Everywhere All the Time
Presented by Bill Thompson, associate professor, University Libraries
Learn how to achieve bilocality (or, even, quadlocatiliy) with Dropbox.
11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. — Mobile Tech, Student Learning and Uses in Performance
Presented by John Cooper, director of jazz studies, School of Music
This seminar will present how mobile technology can be used to enhance student learning through independent interaction. Also, the presentation will examine uses for mobile technology in performance.
12:15-12:45 p.m. — Table Showcase, Malpass Library Digital Commons
Faculty and students will showcase the ways they utilize mobile computing for learning in their classrooms in the following sessions.
Multimedia Sports Reporting
Hosted by William "Buzz" Hoon, associate professor, broadcasting
Hoon will explain how students write live, weekly blogs about the WIU sporting events they attend. Using iPads or their Macbook computers, students produce multimedia reports to cover these events. They can include short videos of the game "atmosphere" in order to enhance the event to those following along on
Ready, Set, Tag, and Scan-QR Codes in Education
Hosted/presented by Sean Cordes, assistant professor, instruction services coordinator, University Libraries
QR (quick response) codes use small printed symbols to link resources to information, such as instructions, contact information, directions, videos and websites — literally any place that has a digital home. They can be read by mobile phones with integrated cameras, with a small application installed. Some devices come with the application already installed, or it can also be downloaded for free from the Internet and installed on PDAs, smartphones and other mobile tools.
This presentation will provide the lowdown on what's being done with QR codes in the field of education from the institutional level, around campus and in the classroom. Highlights include start-up information for using QR, informational videos and research documents that showcase innovations happening with the technology, as well as a live demonstration of some of the ways it can be easily applied in the educational setting.
Laptop Initiative, Year Two
Hosted by Sharon Evans, chair, broadcasting, and associate dean, COFAC
At this table, students in the broadcasting department will demonstrate how they are using their laptops to learn editing skills with such tools as Final Cut Pro.
University Technology
Hosted by Mathew Clark, University Technologies
At this poster session, learn how to set up your mobile device to work with Zimbra or learn basic functionality of some mobile devices.
College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) Faculty Innovators Explore Use of Apple's iPad in Teaching and Learning
Hosted by the following COEHS faculty and staff:
Donna Aguiniga, assistant professor, social work
Rachel Smith, instructor, recreation, park and tourism administration (RPTA)
Stuart Yager, associate professor, educational leadership
Cathy McMillan, assistant professor, kinesiology
John Closen, assistant professor, educational leadership
Donna McCaw, professor, educational leadership
John Timmons, assistant director, dietetics, fashion merchandising and hospitality (DFMH)
Dawn Sweet, instructional development services manager, COEHS
From Sept. 2010 through May 2012, 10 faculty members, who were chosen to participate in the COEHS' Faculty Innovators Program will pioneer the use of Apple iPads in their classrooms.
During year one (Sept. 2010-May 2011), the innovators will participate in face-to-face workshops, once per month, to research and discuss potential uses for teaching and learning and content creation for instructional delivery in the classroom and beyond. Collectively, innovators will be exploring the topics of utility for faculty and students, classroom management of mobile devices, iPads as textbooks, pre-developed apps for education and field study, hands-on training regarding development of educational content and apps for the iPad and using the iPad as a collaboration tool. Individually, each innovator will have a stated track for exploring the use of the iPad in his or her chosen field. Visit us at MCAD to learn more about what each of the innovators will be exploring during year one of their journey!
12:45-1 p.m. — Break
Presentations Resume — Malpass Library Room 180
1-1:30 p.m. — iPod Touch Classroom Management
Presented by Ledith Whitehall, COEHS
This presentation will discuss ideas for managing iPod Touch devices in higher ed classrooms.
1:30-2 p.m. — iPad In and Out of the Classroom
Presented by Jill Myers, associate professor, School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (LEJA)
This presentation will demonstrate general professional uses of the iPad both in and out of the classroom. We will discuss its benefits and negatives, the free apps that are most applicable and the apps that are necessary for certain common tasks.
2 p.m. — iPad giveaway
For more information about MCAD, contact Chad Dennis at the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research at WIU at (309) 298-2439 or Learn more about WIU's Mobile Computing Task Force via the Mobile Computing Blog at and find the Mobile Computing Task Force at WIU on Facebook at
Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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