University News
Celebrate College of Education and Human Services Week 2011 April 25-29
April 12, 2011

MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois University's College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) will celebrate the college, its departments, faculty, staff and students during COEHS Week Monday, April 25-Friday, April 29 on WIU's Macomb and Quad Cities campuses.
Highlights of the week include research symposia on the Macomb and QC campuses; Technology Safari: Tech Fest 2011; a campus presentation with WIU COEHS Distinguished Alumnus Lawrence Johnson; a demo about the use of iPads in higher education by Apple; rappelling demonstrations by WIU ROTC; and much more. A schedule of events is listed below and available online at
Monday, April 25
9-11 a.m. – Special Education's SPED 300 Characteristics of Individuals with Disabilities Display Day, Horrabin Hall hallways (outside room 42, Macomb campus)
Education majors from special education and early childhood education will provide informational displays on a variety of disabilities related to learning, behavior and health of individuals through the lifespan.
11 a.m. -- "Study Abroad: Is It for You?" Horrabin Hall 1 (Macomb campus) and WIU-QC B16 (60th St. campus)
A panel of COEHS students who have studied abroad and representatives from WIU's study abroad office will share information and experiences about studying abroad. This panel presentation is open free to the public; WIU-QC campus participants will be able to engage in the panel discussion via synchronous video conferencing in the WIU-QC building, room B16.
5-6 p.m. -- COEHS Research Symposium, Horrabin Hall 1 (Macomb campus)
Current COEHS students, as well as recent alumni (who have completed their degrees in the last two years) will have the opportunity to showcase their research and/or creative projects in a tabletop format at this first of two research symposia (see Tuesday, April 26 events listing for other symposium times on WIU-QC campus). More information is available at
Tuesday, April 26
11 a.m.-noon -- "What to Expect in the Real World," Horrabin Hall 1 (Macomb campus), WIU-QC, room 115 (60th St. campus)
A panel of young COEHS alumni will discuss their individual journeys to success.
1-4 p.m. -- ROTC Rappelling Demonstration, Exterior of Sallee Hall (Macomb campus)
3:30-5:30 p.m. -- Research Symposium, WIU-QC, hallways and room 102C (60th St. campus)
More information is available at
Wednesday, April 27
All Day -- "What Is Military Science?" Horrabin Hall 103 (outside of military science department, Macomb campus)
Information table about the ROTC program and U.S. Army career opportunities.
9-10:30 a.m. -- "iPad in Higher Education Seminar," Horrabin Hall 1 (Macomb campus)
Today students are learning in more places than just the classroom, and educators are finding new ways to reach them anytime, anywhere. At this event, an Apple representative will focus on Apple's mobility strategy with the iPad and how it is beginning to change higher education. Limited seating is available, so interested attendees must register at
11 a.m.-1 p.m. -- Tech Fest 2011: Technology Safari, Horrabin Hall Gym (Macomb campus)
Join exhibitors for featured tabletop exhibits of innovative technology applications developed and used by Western Illinois faculty, staff, and students, area-wide businesses, public school districts and community members. An iPad will be raffled off at the conclusion of the event (must be present to win).
9 a.m.-1 p.m. -- Laser Shot Game, Horrabin Hall gym (Macomb campus)
The military science department will sponsor a Laser Shot game. According to the website, "Laser Shot is the global leader in firearm and force option training solutions. Innovative products incorporate the latest technologies in developing accurate, dependable, and effective use of firearms by military, law enforcement and other public safety professionals." Usually reserved for training purposes, Laser Shot will be open for the public to try shoot/don't shoot scenarios.
1-4 p.m. -- ROTC Rappelling Demonstration, Exterior of Sallee Hall (Macomb campus)
3-4 p.m. -- "What You Learn When You Dare to Pay Attention," WIU-QC, room 102 AB (60th St. campus)
Former health sciences department faculty member and multiple organ-transplant recipient Elaine Ginn will present her thoughts about the book "Wake Up, Live the Life You Love: Purpose, Passion and Abundance" (to which she was a contributing author). Ginn will also discuss what is it like to live with another person's liver and kidney, as well as talk about the importance of "paying attention" and behaving and reacting based on your observations. She noted "all the book-learnin' in the world doesn't make up these critical qualities."
She will also deliver her presentation on the Macomb campus on Thursday, April 28 (see schedule for April 28 below). Her presentation and visit to WIU is sponsored by the COEHS, the University Theme Committee, the health sciences department, Employee Wellness and the Illinois Secretary of State Organ/Tissue Donor Program.
Thursday, April 28
All Day -- "What Is Military Science?" Horrabin Hall 103 (outside of military science department, Macomb campus)
Information table about the ROTC program and U.S. Army career opportunities.
10-11 a.m. -- "Sandbox Wisdom," Horrabin Hall 1 (Macomb campus)
Presented by Donna McCaw, professor in WIU's educational leadership department, this high-energy workshop will remind you of your "sandbox days." McCaw noted, "Remember how there were other kids in your sandbox and some of them didn't play very nicely?" Her talk will present tips for handling individuals who aren't always the easiest with which to deal.
1-4 p.m. -- ROTC Rappelling Demonstration, Exterior of Sallee Hall (Macomb campus)
2:30-3:30 p.m. -- "What You Learn When You Dare to Pay Attention," University Union Grand Ballroom (Macomb campus)
See description of Ginn's presentation under Wednesday, April 27 schedule (above).
Friday, April 29
All Day -- Distinguished Alumnus Day
The 2011 COEHS Distinguished Alumnus is Larry Johnson, who earned his bachelor's degree in special education from WIU in 1978. Johnson is the dean of, and an early childhood and special education professor for, the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH) at the University of Cincinnati (UC). He has served as dean of the CECH at UC since 1999, and he is the author of 10 books, 33 book chapters and 71 refereed journal articles. He has been recognized by multiple organizations for his contributions in education by the states of Illinois, Alabama and Ohio. Johnson earned his master's in education from the University of Illinois-Chicago and his doctorate from the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign.
11 a.m.-noon -- 2011 Distinguished Alumnus Larry Johnson Special Session with Students
This session will focus on teacher education topics, and Johnson will meet with teacher education students in a special session.
2-3 p.m. -- "The Politics of Education: How to Avoid Being Lunch," Horrabin Hall 82 and WIU-QC, room 113 (60th St. campus, via video conference)
Presented by 2011 COEHS Distinguished Alumnus Larry Johnson. Johnson -- who has testified in front of the U.S. Congress on four different occasions; provided testimony to Ohio's state legislators more than a dozen times; and served as the head of the governmental relations arm of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) -- will provide examples of federal- and state-level policies education advocates have been able to influence through legislative decision making. Johnson will also discuss current legislative issues about which education advocates should be aware.
3-5 p.m. -- Retirement Reception for Dea Forney, Multicultural Center (Macomb campus)
Dea Forney, a professor in the educational and interdisciplinary studies (EIS) department, will retire after 24 years of service to the EIS department's college student personnel program.
5-7 p.m. -- Reception and Dinner for 2011 COEHS Distinguished Alumnus
By invitation only. Reception and dinner for Larry Johnson.
For more information about COEHS Week, contact Dana Moon, COEHS director of marketing and community relations, at (309) 298-1690 or via email at, or visit
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