Justice, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity
- Beu Health Center: A full-service medical clinic offering quality outpatient health care, student health insurance, and health education and wellness education to registerd WIU students. At Beu, students individual needs are attended to in a confidential and caring matter.
- Disability Resources: While WIU is committed to access and inclusion, it is not possible to anticipate all barriers that might exist for individuals with disabilities. Therefore, the SDSC is the campus department designated by the University to work with students through an interactive process to determine disability and hear requests for reasonable accommodations.
- LGBT*QA Resource Center: Provides a supportive space to examine trans* and other identities.
- Office of Equal Opportunity & Access: Ensures that University policies and programs are in compliance with federal and state regulatory agencies.
- People to Address Comments & Complaints: Student and graduate comments and complaints are addressed separately for discrimination, ethics, police conduct, and/or all other institutional issues. Listed are the university policy, procedure and contact information for each complaint.
- Student Development & Success Center: Assists students through their transitional periods focusing on academic and personal development. Can assist with absences, care reporting and referrals, emergency and crisis followup, military activations and University withdrawls.
- Student Learning Center: Offers support and academic skill development in many ways. WIU is committed to assisting students in finding success in virtual and on-campus academic environments. There are many links to learn more about tutoring, success workshops and more.
- Student Legal Advocate: Assistance in nagivating the legal system. Appointments are confidential and the services are free to WIU students.
- Title IX Resources: List of resources to help with Title IX.
- University Counseling Center: Provides free, personal counseling services to currently enrolled WIU undergraduate and graduate students.
Navigation Tools
Directed to International Students, but helpful to all
- International Student Guide - WIU Global Studies (pdf)
- International Student Athlete Handbook – NCAA (pdf)
Directed to Immigrants, but helpful to all
- Higher Education Immigration Portal
- Migration Policy Institute
- The Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration
Directed to Neuro-Diverse, but helpful to all
Directed to Veterans, but helpful to all
University Resources
Faculty Resources
A Help Desk for Campus Conflict: American Association of Colleges and Universities AAC&U has created a help desk, a virtual resource designed to provide free, timely advice to any campus instructor or administrator facing difficult dialogues, whether in class, meetings with colleagues, co-curricular activities or off-campus events. https://www.aacu.org/initiatives/institute-for-democracy-and-higher-education/helpdesk
Better Discourse: A Guide for Bridging Campus Divides in Challenging Times 63% of college students said their campus climate prevents people from saying things they believe. This guide offers tips and strategies on what we can do better.
Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia
Guides and Strategies
- Guidelines for Educators on Countering Intolerance and Discrimination Against Muslims: Addressing Islamophobia Through Education
- The U.S. National Strategy to Combat Anti-Semitism (pdf)
- FACT SHEET: Protecting Students from Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristic (pdf)
- Resources for educators, families to discuss the events in Israel and Gaza with students
Considerations and Reflections
Your Silence is Loud
Change the victims in the article to a different identity (Palestinian, Black, Latinx, LGBT+, Female, immigrant, and so on) and the message about silence can be just as thought-provoking.
Civilians are Dying
Change the victims in the article to a different identity and the message about death and suffering can be just as painful and thought-provoking.
Kalven Committee: Report on the University's Role in Political and Social Action
A 1967 University of Chicago report that encourages institutional neutrality.
Universities Have Adopted Institutional Neutrality
Better Discourse: A Guide for Bridging Campus Divides in Challenging Times
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