University News

Parsons Named Associate Provost

July 30, 2013

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MACOMB, IL -- Nancy Parsons, interim associate provost for undergraduate and graduate studies at Western Illinois University, has been named associate provost for undergraduate and graduate studies, effective Aug. 1, according to Provost Ken Hawkinson.

Parsons was named interim associate provost in July 2011. Previously, she served as a health sciences faculty member since 1988 and had served as the department's internship coordinator since 1990. Parsons served as the interim department chair from January 2004 to July 2005. She has extensive experience in graduate and undergraduate curriculum, including serving on the graduate committee for the health sciences department. Parsons has also served on the Faculty Senate and for several years as a member and chair of Council On Curricular Programs and Instruction (CCPI).

"During the past two years as interim associate provost, Nancy has worked diligently to revise our First Year Experience program, and has been striving to further enhance both undergraduate and graduate studies," Hawkinson added. "She is a positive and enthusiastic member of the academic affairs team."

Parsons received her doctorate and master's degrees from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, and her bachelor's degree from Gustavus Adolphus College. She also holds a master's of public health from the University of Illinois Springfield and has completed a graduate certificate in social marketing from the University of South Florida College of Public Health.

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