University News

BOT to Act on FY'16 Budget

September 26, 2014

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MACOMB, IL -- The Western Illinois University Board of Trustees will consider the Fiscal Year 2016 operating budget and capital budget recommendations, as well as the FY'15 All-Funds Budget to be presented to state governance at the Friday, Oct. 3 Board meeting in the University Union Capitol Rooms on the Macomb campus.

The WIU board meeting will begin at 8 a.m., with a scheduled executive session in accordance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act. The open meeting will begin at approximately 9 a.m., following the executive session.

A recommended FY2016 operating budget increase of $9 million will be presented to Western's BOT for consideration. Western's current FY2015 appropriated budget is $132.5 million. A proposed FY'16 capital budget request of $330 million will be reviewed by the board. In addition, $12 million in capital renewal funds will be reviewed for critical deferred maintenance needs.

The Board will also review the Fiscal Year 2015 All-Funds Budget, which will be presented to the Illinois Board of Higher Education, the General Assembly and Gov. Pat Quinn. The University's total operating budget for FY'15 is $248 million.

Other items on the Board agenda include revisions to parental leave policy and property acquisition.

The Board will also hear reports on the Office of Sponsored Projects activities, Intercollegiate Athletics, Long-Term Planning, the FY'15 Strategic Plan and technology security.

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