University News

Office of Study Abroad and Outreach Offers Adult Travel Options

January 20, 2017

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MACOMB, IL - The Office of Study Abroad and Outreach at Western Illinois University is taking registrations for two adult learning travel programs: "New York City Community Theatre" and "New Orleans: Jazz, Cuisine and Alligators...Oh My."

This is the 15th offering of the NYC theatre trip at WIU, now led by Tammy Honesty (former WIU Theatre and Dance faculty) and Kim McDaniel, an academic advisor in the WIU Center for International Studies, and the second for NOLA, led by Professor John Cooper, director of Jazz Studies at Western.

"Both experiences give participants the opportunity to tour remarkable cities, visit famous landmarks and take in wonderful entertainment," said McDaniel. "Not only can you do those things, you're also learning from experts in the fields of theatre and music at the same time. It's a great way to experience a city."

Registration forms can be found online at and will be accepted through Jan. 31, or until the programs fill.

For more information, contact the Office of Study Abroad and Outreach at (309) 298-2504 or email

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