University News

Ketra Russell, assistant director of budget for University Housing and Dining and coordinator of Go West Transit, presented "Life After High School."
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Christie Reynolds and Cara Cerullo of the University Counseling Center presented "Don't Let Anxiety be Your Superpower."
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WIU Women's Basketball Assistant Coach Seth Minter presented "10 Ways to be Successful at the Next Level."
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Assistant Director of WIU Financial Aid Megan Bainter presented "Dollars and Sense."
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School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration Director Jill Joline Myers presented "Cyber Safety."
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WIU Peace Corps Fellow and Beu Health Center Graduate Assistant Kari Rogers presented, along with WIU Health Education Specialist Samantha Klingler, "Caffeine: Beyond the Buzz."
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WIU Assistant Professor of Dietetics Emily Shupe presented "Nutrition and Its Impact on Health and Wellness."
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WIU, MHS Partners for Inaugural Wellness Fair

February 22, 2018

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MACOMB, IL -- Members of the Western Illinois University community went back to high school Feb. 16 to talk to Macomb High School students on a variety of topics related to health and wellness as part of Macomb High's inaugural wellness fair.

Guest speakers from WIU's Beu Health Center, Counseling Center, Admissions, Financial Aid, University Housing and Dining Services, Go West, Intercollegiate Athletics and the departments of Psychology, Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Dietetics, Communication and Health Sciences presented on a variety of topics, from cyber safety, anxiety, stress management, nutrition, budgeting, leisure activities and body image. Twenty-one WIU employees took part.

"This was a terrific event and our students enjoyed hearing from so many people from the University," said MHS Guidance Counselor Jami Minter. "We had so much support from the WIU community. Every person I have reached out was more than happy to help make our first event a success."

Ketra Russell, assistant director of budget for University Housing and Dining and coordinator of Go West Transit, presented "Life After High School." Russell addressed making a positive first impression.

"The MHS Wellness Fair was a great opportunity to reinvest in the community where I grew up," Russell said. "Working with these high school students on their soft skills of first impressions (hand shakes, body language, appearance) was a great way to not only bring WIU in to their classroom, but also to set them up for success following high school."

Emily Shupe, assistant professor of dietetics, presented "Understanding Nutrition and the New Label." Shupe focused on how nutrition impacts health and the body, and discussed common beliefs and practices.

"Nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is a focus at every stage of life. The choices that we make during our youth can have a lasting impact on our health and quality of life. Going to the schools to discuss nutrition is a great way to engage our youth and empower them to make informed decisions regarding health and nutrition," Shupe explained. "The dietetics students at Western Illinois University truly enjoy working with the different groups in Macomb, helping to educate the community on nutrition and healthy choices."

Harvie Herrington, a 1998 WIU graduate, presented the keynote address, "The Power of Your Dream: Capitalizing on Your Leadership Potential." MHS junior Joelle Butzow noted that "Harvie was inspiring, and he made me think."

"I feel like it was really beneficial to have a day where we learned about ways to improve our health and wellness," added MHS senior Nicole Lester. "I learned several ways to cope with the stress of being a teenager. I also learned about the importance of involvement and how it leads to success."

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