University News

Board Approves Contracts, FY05 Budget Recommendations

September 12, 2003

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MACOMB, IL – The Western Illinois University Board of Trustees approved collective bargaining agreements with the University Professionals of Illinois (UPI) faculty unit and three other Unions and recommended a fiscal year 2005 budget for consideration by the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) at today’s (Sept. 12) meeting.

A base wage increase of 2.5 percent is included in the four-year agreement with WesternÂ’s UPI unit representing 630 faculty and other academic employees. Years two, three and four of the UPI contract provided for an annual salary increase of 3.5 percent of the employeeÂ’s previous year basic salary, with provisions for dealing with additional or reduced state dollar funding for the University. Language changes in the contract and further negotiations regarding summer school, distance learning and assignment to the Quad Cities campus were included in the UPI agreement.

Wage agreements calling for a 2.5 percent increase during the current fiscal year were also approved for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 417, representing 155 employees; the Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council, representing 20 employees; and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 399, representing 33 employees.

A recommended fiscal year 2004-2005 operating budget of $101,490,300 was approved by the Board and will be forwarded to the IBHE for consideration. The budget asks for funds to support a salary increase of 6 percent, increased costs for library materials and other price increases. Included in the budget is a $2.4 million request to support campus infrastructure, diversity initiatives, undergraduate classroom and instructional equipment and new faculty positions. WesternÂ’s FY04 operating budget is $94,075,100.

The Board recommended an FY05 capital budget request of $83.2 million with the Performing Arts Center project on the Macomb campus listed again as the top priority at a cost of $47.2 million. The Western Quad Cities Riverfront Campus expansion project is the UniversityÂ’s second priority on the list at $10.5 million followed by other rehabilitation and improvement projects. The BoardÂ’s recommendation will be forwarded to the IBHE.

Bids for renovation of student apartments at East Village were approved by the Board. The project will combine existing single bedroom apartments into new graduate family housing units. Successful bidders were Hein Construction, Galesburg, general contractor $550,863; Koener Electric Inc., Bartonville, electrical contractor, $188,668; and Rampy Warner, East Peoria, plumbing contractor, $164,900. The renovation will require the apartments to be closed this fall semester.

The Board also approved internal allocations of the FY04 operating budget, released specific executive session minutes and approved 2004 meeting dates on the following Fridays: March 5, June 4, Sept. 10 and Nov. 5. The June 4 session is scheduled for the WIU-Quad Cities campus in Moline while the other three meetings will be in the University Union on the Macomb campus.

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