Office of Student Engagement
New Student Organization Registration
Do you have an idea for a new student organization?
If so, here are steps for you to follow when registering your organization!
Step One: Has this organization existed previously?
It is a good idea to contact the Office of Student Engagement and we can check to see if the organization you are trying to create has existed previously. We are also able to help assist you in the registration process!
Step Two: If the organization hasn't existed previously, it is time to start the registration process!
The first thing you need to do to register your organization is to make sure that your organization meets our three requirements:
First Requirement: At least 5 student members
- Including a President and a Treasurer that are not the same person
Second Requirement: WIU Faculty/Staff Advisor
- The Advisor must be a Full-Time Faculty/Staff Member
- Graduate Students are not able to serve as the Full-Time Advisor
- The Graduate Student can act as a co-advisors under the supervision of the Advisor, but cannot sign off on any documents for the organization
Third Requirement: A Constitution
- Please refer to this sample constitution when constructing your constitution. You can copy and paste this document and then edit it to fit your organization's needs.
Step Three:
Now that you meet the three requirements to start your new student organization, you may go to Leatherneck Link to register your organization.
Whats Next:
After you submit your registration the OSE will check all of your documents verifying that your organization meets our requirements. Afterwards we will reach out to your advisor to complete their advisor agreement form for your organization and to provide additional resources for them.
If you have any questions or concerns about the re-registration or new registration process, please contact the Office of Student Engagement (; 309-298-3232).
Contact Info
Student Engagement
University Union
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455
Phone: (309) 298-3232
Fax: (309) 298-2879
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