Veterans & Military Personnel
Military Appreciation Club
The Purpose of the Military Appreciation Club is:
- To help socialize veterans into university life
- To empower and enable veterans to give back to their community
- To bring together all facets of the military community into a cohesive environment
Western Illinois University has a rich military history with students and faculty serving in every major American conflict since World War One. The first WIU Veterans Club was originally organized by returning World War II GI's in the fall of 1945. Over the decades the club has transitioned through many cultural changes from the “Peach Blossoms” to now completely rebranding into the Military Appreciation Club. Although the club has evolved from its origins, it's mission is still the same, to foster an environment where veterans, military service members, and supporters come together and garner professionalism, encouragement, and friendship.
Mission Statement:
The United States Military uniformed services have historically been one of the most diverse and capable organizations in human history. Its mission: to fight and win conflicts in the defense of the United States and its allies, has demanded the ablest and willing of people to join its ranks. Through sacrifice and commitment, its members have served. The mission of the Western Illinois University Military Appreciation Club is to continue that sense of selfless service and to apply it to the local community. Between philanthropy projects and volunteering, a united organization of military-affiliated and military-appreciative students can be a driving force in this community. This organization will strive to honor military service, present the United States and all active military and veterans in a professional manner and serve the community with pride. In order to reflect great credit on the military services, Western Illinois University has a proud tradition of supporting military-affiliated students, it is up to this organization to continue that proud legacy.
Skyler Funk, President
Gerardo Campos-Garcia, Treasurer
Alana Beckman, Secretary
Jeremy Robinett, Faculty Advisor
Upcoming Meetings:
All Meetings will be 4 PM to 5 PM
Monday, January 27, 2025
Cardinal/Oak Room, University Union
QC Students can access the meetings at
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