
Fine Arts Logo & Fine Arts Living-Learning Community

About the Fine Arts Living-Learning Community

This community gives Broadcasting and Journalism and Fine Arts students the opportunity to study together, work collaboratively on projects, and learn from one another. Participate in field trips designed just for you and attend Art openings, films, theatre performances and other visual arts events, both on and off campus. Take advantage of the digitizing equipment available in the commons area and access to studio space with easels and drafting/work tables. This community helps you achieve your goals as a student and prepare for your career.

Majors include Art and Design, School of Music, Theatre and Dance.

Who is eligible?

Any First-Year or Upper-Division student interested in the Arts or majoring in Broadcasting or Journalism

Where is the Fine Arts LLC located?
For more information, contact:

Kat Myers at K-Myers@wiu.edu for Art
Anneliese Land at A-Land2@wiu.edu for Music
Tammy Killian at TL-Killian@wiu.edu for Theatre and Dance