
Frequently Asked Questions - University Housing & Dinning Services


Administrative Questions

Living On-Campus Questions



Administrative Questions

Room Assignment/Payment Questions
Where can I go to get a Housing packet?

After you have been accepted to the University, you will receive instructions on how to apply online or receive a housing application packet in the mail. They are also available in the University Housing and Dining Services office in Seal Hall.

When I apply for Housing, am I guaranteed a place to stay?

We guarantee housing for all undergraduate students.

How do I sign up for housing?

To complete an online Residence Hall Contract and Application form, you must be a newly accepted Western Illinois University student. Accepted students will receive a mailing from the Admissions office and from the Office of the Registrar after they have been accepted to the university. Once this has been received, proceed to wiu.edu/apply4housing to complete the online housing application. ($50 non-refundable processing fee is due at time of application) When filling out the application, please make sure to have the correct telephone listed where the student can be contacted. Also, PLEASE make sure to check the WIU email account as information is sent to students over the summer. Housing application must be completed by the student.

How do I get a single room?

Each year a certain number of singles are allocated for first-year students and for returning students. These are filled on a first come first serve basis related to a student's contract number. A student should select single or super single when filling out their housing preferences. If a student receives their assignment and it is not a single, then each student may choose to place their name on the Singles Waiting list. To add yourself to the Singles Waiting List, visit the "UHDS Housing Information Menu" on STARS after you have received your assignment. If you have further questions, you can contact your hall clerk or call our office at 309-298-3000.

What if I need to pay with a check?

Students who need to pay the processing fee by cash or check should contact our office by calling 309-298-3000 or emailing uhds@wiu.edu to request a paper copy of the application.

Students who haven't applied for on-campus housing please do so as soon as possible. Since all Freshmen and Sophomores are required to live on campus, students would be charged a non-compliance charge for not living on campus.

When will I know my housing assignment?

We begin processing housing contracts received in date order in late July for fall Semester (December for Spring semester) and email out assignment information weekly.

When will I know who my roommate is?

This information typically becomes available in late July. You may check your STARS account to find out the name of your future roommate. This information is available in real-time on STARS. When your roommate has been assigned, the information becomes automatically available.

How are roommates assigned?

We use housing preference to match roommates or you can use the WIU Roommate Matching System on STARS. Preferences such as study habits, cleanliness, and sleeping habits are taken into consideration. We encourage this form to be completed by the student.

In order for us to make as accurate assignments as possible, roommate requests need to be mutually confirmed before assignments are released in mid-July.

What if I have a special request for housing?

Students needing special housing requests because of disabilities or other circumstances should contact the Disability Resource Center or call the housing office at 309-298-3000. (Make sure to include your Full name and ID#).

Living Off-Campus Questions
I want to live off-campus. What are the requirements and how do I go about doing it?

Undergraduate students at WIU are required to live on campus for 4 semesters or at least 60 credit hours. If you do not meet these requirements you will need to petition to live off-campus. To receive petition information, please feel out the University Housing & Dining Services Housing Petition form, or come to the Housing office in Seal Hall. If there are health issues, you will need to provide a doctor's note and medical release along with the petition. Having a medical release does not guarantee an exception and students may be directed to work with the Disability Resource Center for further documentation and recommendations. It should be noted that students with 1 or more years of active military service can apply prior military living and other residence hall living experiences towards the requirements.

Where can I change my address?

You can update your address on STARS or by contacting the Office of the Registrar at 309-298-1891.

How to Find Housing at the Quad Cities Campus

If you’re a Quad Cities student looking for housing options near the WIU-QC campus, there are several convenient resources available to help you find the right fit. Start by Googling apartments and housing in the Quad Cities area to explore a range of options nearby.

For further information, one can contact Student Services at 309.762.3999 ext. 64583.

STARS Questions
How do I use STARS?

When you sign onto STARS you will need your ID# and password to get logged in. When you first sign on, your password will be the month, day, and full year of your birthday. Ex. 07081985. Once you are logged in you may conduct several items of business. You may register for classes, put money on your meal card; there is a calendar there and many other things.

Move-In Questions
When can I move into the halls in August?

All residence halls open for Fall 2024 Move-In on Thursday, August 15, 2024, starting at 8 am.

When can I move into the halls in January?

The residence halls will open no later than the Sunday before the start of classes.

How do we know where to go to move in?

There will be police officers and university staff directing you where to go on opening day in the fall. In the spring proceed directly to the hall you have been assigned to.

What if I need to move in before my assigned day and time?

Students having special circumstances that require them to move in before the scheduled move-in date will need to contact our housing office for permission at 309-298-3320. There will be a daily fee charged to those that have permission for early move-in.

**Members of special groups (band, athlete, etc.) will need to work with coaches or advisors to obtain permission for early arrival. The daily fee will not apply to special groups.

ID Card Questions
Where can I go to get my ID?

University Union Service Center, Monday-Friday 8AM-4:30PM.

What do I do if I lose my ID or need to deactivate it?

Call the Union Service Center at 309-298-1941 during business hours to cancel the card or the Office of Public Safety 298-1949 if it is an evening or weekend. You may also deactivate your card on STARS. Obtain a new ID at the Union Service Center. The cost for a new card is $25.

Living On-Campus Questions

FYE Program Questions
What is the FYE program?

This is a structured program for first-year students to help with academic, social, and personal transitions to college.

Roommate Questions
How will you assign me a roommate?

We use a lifestyle preference form or any requested roommate from the Roommate Matching System/STARS to match roommates. Preferences such as study habits, cleanliness, sleeping habits are taken into consideration. We encourage this form to be completed by the student. Please note that we do not make roommate changes based on Instagram, Facebook, or other social networking via the internet.

What if I do not get along with my roommate?

Sometimes we have situations where students are not compatible. We first encourage the roommates to talk with their RA and their hall staff about the situation and attempt to work through the concerns. If students are unable to work the situation out the hall staff will provide the students with other living options. Students should be aware of our no-move policy for the first 10 days of classes. This allows us the opportunity to determine our available space on campus. This year, room moves will not begin any earlier than sometime in September.

How do I request a roommate?

On your housing application form there is a place for roommate requests. This request must be mutual. Roommates are guaranteed if information is received before assignments are released. If you find a roommate after you have turned in your application, you may write housing@wiu.edu.

How do I switch rooms?

You would first begin by talking with your Resident Assistant about your roommate problems or concerns. They will advise you accordingly about switching rooms. Ultimately the Hall Clerk for the hall would facilitate the administrative aspects of the move.

Lost Keys
What happens if I lose my key?

Students may check out for a limited time a spare key at the front desk of your hall. You can also order a new key from the information desk. Your locks will be changed for a fee and billed to your student account.

Where can I buy my textbooks and may I charge them?

Books may be purchased at the University Union Bookstore. Books may not be charged to the student's university account. Payment must be made by cash, check, or credit card.

Can a friend visit me and stay in my room?

Residents of the halls are allowed to have visitors of either gender, but the visitor MUST be escorted at all times. You are allowed to have a visitor spend the night, with a maximum of 3 consecutive nights within a 10-day period. If you have a roommate, it is required that you have your roommate's approval for this. Please review the Residence Hall Handbook for more specific information regarding the Guest Policy.

Quiet Hours
What are quiet hours?

During the first two weeks of school, the students will meet as a floor and determine quiet hour guidelines. The floor sets the time for quiet hours to begin, somewhere between 7 and 9pm during the week nights.

Is alcohol allowed in the halls?

Alcohol is NOT allowed on designated FYE floors. On all other floors, it is only allowed if the student is 21. If alcohol is being consumed in a room, the door must be closed and all persons in the room must be 21.

Can I have a pet in my room?

Only aquarium fish are allowed in the residence halls. All other pets are prohibited.

Break Period Questions
Can I stay on campus over breaks?

Our halls close during break periods. If you need to stay later, view the Academic Breaks Housing Dates & Information webpage for more information.

When can I move into the halls in January?

The residence halls will open no later than the Sunday before the start of classes.

Why does my child have to move out during summer?

We ask all students to move out in the summer so that we can perform cleaning and maintenance to our facilities. We will open Olson Hall in the summer for summer school housing for students wishing to request summer housing.

Campus Safety Questions
What security measures are taken in the halls?

Security cameras are at all entrances of the halls. All of the halls have keyed elevators. Information Desks monitor security. The front doors lock at a certain time each night. Staff perform safety rounds through the hall and are "on-call" in case of emergency. We work closely with the Office of Public Safety by having "Teams Police" officers assigned to each area on campus. They do programs in the building and often get to know residents that way.

Is the campus safe?

We have Teams of Police Officers in the halls, a Beacon-blue light system, WESCORT-escort service, Go West bus system, and educational programs in the halls to educate about safety. Staff is on duty 24 hours in case of emergency. While the campus of WIU is safe we still encourage students to take their own precautions. We recommend that students should lock their rooms at all times and they should walk around campus in groups when appropriate.

What do I do if I need medical assistance?

Contact your information desk, a university staff member, the Office of Public Safety, or Beu Health Center. We have an Emergency Medical Service that is on duty each evening to conduct assessments for minor medical needs.

Dining Plan Questions
What are the dining options?

The meal plan at WIU is an "a la carte" structure, meaning you pay for what you eat. Your meal plan will be loaded onto your WIU ID card at the beginning of the semester, and you will use your ID card, like a debit card at any dining center, convenience store, or retail location on campus. View more Dining information here. 

Can I eat anywhere on campus?

Students can eat in any dining center on campus and in the Union using their Meal Plan.

How can I add money to my card?

To add money, log onto STARS or go to the Housing office in Seal Hall. This is the same process for off-campus students.

How can I check to see how much money I have in my accounts?

When you go through the lunch lines or vending machines it will show your current balance. Students can log onto STARS to view account information. Please note that the balance on STARS is updated once a day after 5am, so any usage during one day will be reflected the next day. You may also call or visit Seal Hall and they will tell you your balance information.

Explain how the meal plan is structured.

The meal plan at WIU is "a la carte" meaning that you pay for what you eat.

What is Rocky Dollars?

Rocky Dollars can be used for vending and the campus bookstore. It is also used to eat in the university union for on-campus and off-campus students.

How do I get the unused dollars on my meal plan at the end of the semester? At the end of the year?

At the end of the semester in December, any unused dollars roll into the next semester. If a student is leaving the university in December, any remaining meal points from the original base plan will be forfeited. At the end of the semester in May, any remaining meal points from the original base plan will be forfeited. Students withdrawing from the university will be subject to a prorated point adjustment.

Transportation & Vehicles Questions

Can I have a car on campus?

All students can bring cars to campus. Visit wiu.edu/parking for current permit rates and information.

Where do I get my parking permit?

The parking permit may be purchased at Parking Services, located in Mowbray Hall.

Where can I find the bus route? What are the hours for the buses?

You can go online to the Go West website or call 298-3353 for more Go West Information.

Open Housing
What is Open Housing?

In the spring of 2015, Inter-Hall Council and student leaders within the residence halls began discussing options allowing students to select roommates regardless of sex, gender, or gender identity. Open Housing rooms/options were developed as a pilot program for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Open Housing allows sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate students, regardless of sex, gender, or gender identity, to share a room or suite.

Who is eligible to live in open housing?

Open Housing allows sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate students, regardless of sex, gender, or gender identity, to share a room or suite. Open housing provides housing options that take into consideration the varying preferences of many different individuals, and ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all students. Open Housing is not intended—and in fact is highly discouraged—for romantic couples.

Where is open housing on campus?

For the 2024-2025 school year, the locations of Open Housing are as follows:
Undergraduate Students - Corbin Hall, 6th Floor
Graduate & Non-Traditional Undergraduate Students - Westbrook House

Will I be assigned to live in open housing?

Students will not be assigned to open housing unless they have elected to live there.

How are roommates assigned in open housing?

Open Housing allows any two students to be roommates, regardless of sex, gender, or gender expression. Any upper-class students may seek housing together on the open housing floor.

Like most universities, we discourage students who are in a romantic relationship, regardless of sex, gender, or gender expression, from living together in a residence hall. However, we do not question any student's reasoning for wanting to live in Open Housing.

University Housing and Dining Services will not assign anyone to an opposite-sex roommate unless requested.

When do I sign up for open housing?

To obtain a room during renewal, students wishing to live in an open room on the open housing floor must email UHDS@wiu.edu with their request before their scheduled renewal time (include name, WIU ID number, and requested roommate's name and WIU email address). The requested roommate must also email UHDS@wiu.edu (include name, WIU ID number, and requested roommate's name and WIU email address). After online renewal is over, all rooms not previously requested, will be placed back in the renewal system for individuals to choose from during the Open Renewal period. If your renewal time has passed, and you wish to obtain an open room, please email UHDS@wiu.edu with your request and it will be accommodated depending on availability.

How do restrooms work in open housing locations?

Corbin Hall, a corridor-style residence hall, has male- and female-designated bathrooms on the open housing floor.

Westbrook House has private bathrooms that are shared by all residents.

Facilities Questions

Display Room
May I see a room when I visit campus?

We currently have display rooms set up in several halls. You can also explore our residence hall room virtual tours.

Room Layout Questions
What items are in the room?

Each room is equipped with a bed, dresser, desk, desk chair, and blinds. There are wall lights. If it is a double, super double, or single room there will be two sets of everything. In some rooms, we have movable furniture. Please see individual hall pages on this site for details.

What does a Super-Single room have in it?

Super Single rooms have one of everything listed above, plus an overstuffed chair and a small table.

What does a Suite Style Living Room have in it?

Suite Style Living Rooms are available in Corbin Hall. These rooms share a common room that has a loveseat, overstuffed chair, and micro-fridge in it.

What does a Suite Style Bathroom Room have in it?

Suite Style Bathroom Rooms are available in Caroline Grote Hall. Two rooms share a bathroom in these arrangements.

Are the rooms carpeted?

Halls that have carpet in the rooms are Caroline Grote, and Thompson. Corbin/Olson does not have carpet in the rooms.

What color is the carpet in the rooms?

The color of the carpet varies depending on the hall.

Where do I go to find out room dimensions and measurements for beds, dressers, and closets in the halls?

The measurements for the beds and other furniture located in the rooms can be found on our Residence Hall page or you may call Seal Hall and someone will help you.

Mattresses and Bed Questions
What size are the mattresses?

Our mattresses are 80 inches long. They will need extra-long sheets. They are available at most stores.

How much room is under the bed?

There is 9 inches from the floor to the bottom of the bed.

Are cinder blocks allowed to raise your beds?

Cinder blocks are not allowed to raise your bed. However, bed risers are allowed for bed raising.

May I loft the bed?

Furniture in all halls is loftable. Lofting your bed is simple, all you need is a rubber mallet and a partner to assist. Learn how to loft your bed here.

Microfridge Questions
What is a Microfridge?

It is a combination unit that includes a refrigerator, freezer, and microwave. They rent for $150 per academic year (August-May) and are generally split if there is a roommate. If both roommates request a Microfridge, we will only put one in the room before students arrive to the hall. See our Microfridge Request Form for details. 

If my roommate moves out will I get charged for the Microfridge?

If both students are renting the Microfridge unit, the unit stays in the room and the student leaving will forfeit their amount. Thus the students staying will not be charged extra. If the student leaving the room has rented the unit individually the unit will be transferred to his/her room or removed depending on the request of the students.

Cable TV Questions
Do the rooms have cable?

Yes. Students have access to over 90 channels in the residence halls. Here is a Cable TV Guide

What do I do when my cable is not working?

Students should go down to the information desk and fill out a form that will be given to the Hall Clerk and they will submit a work order to get it fixed. (NOTE: If you are receiving stations 1-12 only and not the others, you need to reprogram your TV)

Computer/Internet Questions
Is there wireless within the rooms?

Wireless and hard-wired high-speed internet connections are available in all residence hall rooms. All academic buildings and residence hall common areas (excluding floor lounges) have wireless.

Bathroom Questions
When are the bathrooms cleaned?

The residence hall bathrooms are cleaned every day Monday through Friday. Cleaning times vary between floors. The custodial staff will post the cleaning times on the entrance to the bathroom during the first week of school. Residents in Grote Hall are required to clean their own bathrooms.

Are all of the bathrooms community bathrooms?

All of the bathrooms in the residence halls are community bathrooms, except for Caroline Grote Hall in which 2 rooms share a bathroom . Each is equipped with several sinks, toilets, urinals, and showers. Showers have curtain or poly-mar doors.

Do you have to bring your own toilet paper?

Toilet paper will be provided. The only exception to this is Grote Hall where residents supply their own toilet paper.

Storage and Moving of Furniture
Are there storage spaces in the halls?

There are storage closets on each floor for students to store luggage and boxes. Space, however, is limited, and we do not store items that are of great value, i.e. bikes, golf clubs.

Can I store my furniture?

We do not store any furniture.

Are their regular treatments in the halls for pests?

We have regular inspection and treatment of all our facilities. If you have a request to have your room treated, please complete a maintenance request form and inform your hall staff. Lady bugs are common in our halls as they are in many places across the Midwest. We do what we can to prevent these from entering. They are not harmful to human beings.

Cooking in the Halls
May I cook in the halls?

There are kitchens located in the common areas of the halls. Students may check-out cooking equipment from most of the residence hall front desks.

Extension Cords
Can I use extension cords in the residence halls?

Extension cords can be used in the residence halls, however, they must be at least a 14 gauge cord. If the cords are of a smaller gauge, they will be confiscated. Multiple outlet plugs are not allowed and will be confiscated. Outlet strips are permitted in the halls, but require a surge protector.

Microwave and Refrigerator Questions
What are the restrictions on fridges and microwaves?

Students can have microwaves in their rooms (if they are fewer than 700 watts) but toasters, toaster ovens, hot pots, hot plates, George Foreman grills, etc. are not allowed in student rooms. Refrigerators are limited to 4.6 cubic feet and must be Energy Star Rated.

Heating/AC Questions
When does the heat get turned on?

We consider long-range weather forecasts as well as current building temperatures before we make decisions about air conditioning and heat changes. Our systems take several days to change over from one system to another. Learn more about Heating & Cooling the Residence Halls.

Laundry Questions
Where do I do my laundry?

There are laundry facilities in each hall located in a common area. It is free to wash and dry.