Civil Service Employees Council
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Policy & Appeals
I. Membership and Terms
Representatives are appointed/dismissed by the chairperson of the committee. Representatives will serve 2 year terms, for a maximum of 2 consecutive terms and a minimum of a 2 year layoff between terms. The committee consists of seven members, one from each employee group or if not available for full terms, Representatives may volunteer and be appointed as Ad Hoc members of the Committee by the chairperson. Additional non-voting, Advisory members are the Employee Advisory Committee member, University Personnel Director or designee, and Vice President for Administrative Service or designee.
Committee vacancies are open to volunteers and the volunteers must be approved by the chairperson.
II. Chairperson
Council representative serves as chairperson .
Responsibilities include: Receiving the written appeal or request for review from the affected party; Scheduling and conducting the meetings; and Preparing a final written report to distribute as follows: the appealing party, the University President, the Director of University Personnel, the CSEC President, Employee Advisory Committee member and the Appeals Committee members.
The chairperson is responsible for maintaining the membership list and date of expiration of terms for the committee members.
A chairperson vacancy is open to nominations and the nominee is approved by the CSEC. The President has the right to appoint an acting chairperson if one is needed before a CSEC meeting.
III. Meetings
On an “as needed” basis with one occurring annually to review salary changes from the past year for Civil Service job classes.
All members, except the chairperson, will vote on issues before the Committee. All votes shall be conducted by show-of-hands, paper or electronic means with the voting tally duly recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
IV. Records
The chairperson of the committee is responsible for seeing that report is given to the CSEC.
V. Responsibilities
The purpose of the Policy & Appeals Committee is to investigate the employee’s grievance or complaints, consider applicable facts, policy, rules and law, review the offered or available resolutions, and submit a recommendation to the University President or designee for review and final determination of the issue. The Policy & Appeals Committee shall be free to consult with the Human Resource Director, the appealing party, supervisory/management personnel and other concerned parties if such consultation will benefit the Committee in arriving at a recommendation. The final recommendation must not violate any official University policy or contract, BOT regulation, or SUCSS statue or rule in force at the time of the incident. However, the committee may suggest policy or rule changes that they feel should be considered in the interest of fairness. As designated in the University Compensation Policy, this Committee shall deal with all matters of compensation, including grievances brought before it. All recommendations for revision to the University Compensation Policy are forwarded to the CSEC for formal action.
Correspondence requiring a response from the committee will be acknowledged by the chairperson within 10 working days.
Civil Service Employee of the Month for January 2025
Amanda Schulz
Assistant Director
Graduate Studies
If you have a stellar civil service employee that you would like to nominate please submit your nomination here.
If you have any questions please feel free to email
We look forward to receiving your nominations.
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