Civil Service Employees Council

Constitution & Elections

I. Membership and Terms

Representatives are appointed/dismissed by the chairperson of the committee. Representatives will serve 2 year terms, for a maximum of 2 consecutive terms and a minimum of a 2 year layoff between terms, or if not available for full terms. Representative may volunteer and be appointed as Ad Hoc members of the committee by the chairperson.  The committee consists of six members, one from each employee group plus the chairperson, with the chairperson being a member of the CSEC.

Committee vacancies are open to volunteers and the volunteers must be approved by the chairperson.

II. Chairperson

Council representative serves as chairperson.

The chairperson is responsible for maintaining the membership list and date of expiration of terms for the committee members.

A chairperson vacancy is open to nominations and the nominee is approved by the CSEC. The President has the right to appoint an acting chairperson if one is needed before a CSEC meeting.

III. Meetings

Annually, and on an “as needed” basis.

All members, except the chairperson, will vote. All votes shall be conducted by show-of-hand or paper allot with the voting tally duly recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

IV. Records

The chairperson of the committee is responsible for seeing that a report is given to the CSEC.

V. Responsibilities

Review any recommended or proposed changes to the Constitution, By Laws or Committee Rules.  Determine appropriateness of request for change.  Ensure process for approval for change vote is followed.

In addition, the chairperson will schedule at least one annual meeting to review and recommend necessary changes to the Constitution & By Laws. The CSEC may also request a comprehensive review of the Constitution at any time. Any recommendations for revisions to the Constitution must be submitted to the CSEC for formal action. To change any provision of the Constitution & By Laws takes a two thirds majority vote.

Prior to yearly election of representatives to the CSEC, the Election Committee will publish information on the upcoming election and distribute to all eligible employees.  A “Statement of Candidacy” form will be included and is to be returned to the Election Committee at least two weeks prior to the election.  (Election is to be held first week in April; therefore, first information and statement of candidacy should be mailed out around the second week of March).

Sample ballots are mailed out, posted, and/or placed in Campus Connection at least one week prior to election.

Official ballots are then mailed out during the first week in April.  Things to remember:

All permanent employees beyond their initial probationary period in status positions are eligible to vote.

A computer list of eligible employees may be obtained from University HR Office.

The Election Committee shall tabulate the votes within three days after the deadline for casting a vote.

The chairperson or designee shall be responsible for notifying elected candidates by campus mail in the form of a letter.

Absentee ballots may be obtained from the University Human Resources Office by the voter requesting a ballot in accordance with a time schedule to be established by the Election Committee.

Correspondence requiring a response from the committee will be acknowledged by the chair person within 10 working days.

If an insufficient number of eligible candidates show interest in filling Council vacancies at the time of the scheduled elections the Council may accept volunteers to sit on the Council as voting members by majority vote.

Civil Service Employee of the Month for January 2025

Amanda Schulz, Civil Service Employee of the Month for January 2025

Amanda Schulz
Assistant Director
Graduate Studies

If you have a stellar civil service employee that you would like to nominate please submit your nomination here.

If you have any questions please feel free to email

We look forward to receiving your nominations.