Civil Service Employees Council
Civil Service Employee of the Year 2008 - Duane Sidwell

On behalf of the Civil Service Employees Council, we would like to congratulate Duane Sidwell on being selected as the 2008 Civil Service Employee of the Year. Duane was the October recipient of the Employee of the Month award. He will receive a plaque honoring him and a $500 stipend gifted by Carol Watts of Macomb. Duane receives this award because he exemplifies the ideal staff professional in his attitude, disposition, level of competence, and personal style.
Duane was hired as a Grounds Worker on April 9, 1990 and he currently holds this position.
According to Duane’s many nominators:
From day one of the Lake Ruth project, Duane demonstrated enthusiasm and outstanding performance in carrying out the job duties associated with the restoration. He faced many challenges during the restoration due mainly to a very rainy spring and summer in which he would get Lake Ruth emptied only to have it fill up again with the next rain.
Duane did everything in his power to make sure no wildlife would be harmed during the restoration process. He worked to transport any possible wildlife to a safe location until it could be returned or until it found another environment in which it preferred to live. He truly helped restore one of the most significant images of this University—what some consider the front door to Western Illinois University.
Duane represents the best and the brightest among our civil service employees. His impact on the campus represents the best values that are available at this University. It is an honor to present Duane with the 2008 Employee of the Year Award.
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