Civil Service Employees Council
WIU Home > Csec > Committees
I. Membership and Terms
The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Employee Advisory Committee member of the CSEC.
II. Chairperson
The CSEC President serves as chairperson.
III. Meetings
On an “as needed” basis.
IV. Records
No formal minutes are required as the Executive Committee is not a standing committee. Action taken by this committee will be reported at regularly scheduled Council meetings.
V. Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the Executive Committee including preparing the agenda for the full Council meeting, discussing and considering action on matters of Council business, acting on behalf of the Council in the appropriate situations, and meeting with the University President once each semester for the purpose of discussing Civil Service concerns.
Civil Service Employee of the Month for September 2024
Brian Beck
Garage Foreman
Transportation Services
If you have a stellar civil service employee that you would like to nominate please submit your nomination here.
If you have any questions please feel free to email
We look forward to receiving your nominations.
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